Heaven, How I Got Here Radio
Next Level Insights i s pleased to represent Open the Bible and its radio broadcast of Heaven How I Got Here starring Stephen Baldwin. His gripping portrayl of the thief on the cross next to Jesus has relevance to so many today. He had no opportunity to “live a good life” or “do good works” for God. His story is all about grace. He made it to heaven because he believed, and you can too.
This page offers the rado broadcast versons of the material, in English and Spanish. The files below are for your review.
Those wishing to broadcast these programs should contact:
Robb Hansen – rhansen@nextlevelinsights.com for FTP server permission.
For email copy, images, website, and social media resources to promote Heaven How I Got Here digitally, click here.
English – 5 Day Version
This five-day version of Heaven, How I Got Here is designed to be broadcast in sequence over a week. The continuity of each day is specific to 2024, and encourages listeners to connect further with this content by watching the one hour online film version “all this week” at openthebible.org/heaven, and to consider obtaining a copy of the book or audio book to share with others. The programs are only suitable for aring March 25-29, 2024.
Heaven, How I Got Here
To obtain FTP information and permisson to broadcast please contact Robb Hansen at rhansen@nextlevelinsights.com.
English – 2 Hour Version
This two hour version of Heaven, How I Got Here is designed to be broadcast in sequential hours. However, it can be used over a period of two days with proper introductory and concluding station voiceovers to set context for listeners. The continuity is specific to 2024, and encourages listeners to connect further with this content by watching the one hour online film version “available next week at openthebible.org/heaven.” Therefore it is really suitable for airing from March 18 to March 24, 2024. Heaven How I Got Here is also available as a book and audio book.
Heaven, How I Got Here
To obtain FTP information and permisson to broadcast please contact Robb Hansen at rhansen@nextlevelinsights.com.
English – Promo Spots
These promos are designed to foster listnership to Heaven, How I Got Here. The series of five promos are designed to support the five day broadcast, noting the content will continue “next time” on Open the Bible. The generic promos are suitable for supporting broadcasts of any type or variety, and have gaps at the close to allow live or recorded specifics to announce the broadcasts.
The promos for the film are distinct audio designed to drive traffic to Open the Bible’s website so that listeners can learn how and where to watch the online film version of Heaven How I Got Here.
Heaven, How I Got Here – Promos
5 Day Sequence
Generic – Taggable
Promos for the Online Film
To obtain FTP information and permisson to broadcast please contact Robb Hansen at rhansen@nextlevelinsights.com.
This five-day version of Cielo, Como Llegue Aqui is designed to be broadcast in sequence over a week. However, some stations have used the material in a two hour slot to allow for an uninterrupted performance.
Cielo, Como Llegue Aqui – Heaven, How I Got Here – Spanish
To obtain FTP information and permisson to broadcast please contact Robb Hansen at rhansen@nextlevelinsights.com.