Unlocking the Bible Radio Special

Heaven, How I Got Here – The Story of the Thief On The Cross

by Colin S. Smith   ~  performed by Stephen Baldwin


Unlocking the Bible is pleased to offer an outstanding radio drama, Heaven, How I Got Here, a fictional account of the conversion of the thief on the cross in his own words, as he looks back on the events of that day from the perspective of heaven.

The programs can be aired at any time during the year, but are most appropriate during the days prior to Easter.  The audio is recorded by well known Christian actor Stephen Baldwin and contains music underscoring and sound effects.  The programs contain opening conversation between the author, Bible teacher and pastor Colin Smith, and Unlocking the Bible daily program announcer, Steve Hiller.

Heaven How I Got Here

2 Hour Version – Preview Tracks

Heaven How I Got Here

5 Day Version (25:00 Daily) – Preview Tracks


The purpose of this drama is to present creatively, but in no uncertain terms, the central reality of the gospel:  We are saved by grace through faith alone.  The thief believed, and he was saved.  He didn’t lead a Bible study.  He didn’t go to church.  He wasn’t baptized.

This is a message millions need to hear today: you can do nothing to save yourself.  No good work, no church attendance, nothing you can do will gain you entrance into heaven save the acceptance of God’s free offer of salvation by grace through faith.

Unlocking the Bible’s prayer is that the Heaven drama and book will launch millions on the path toward saving faith.


  • Length – There are two versions:
    • 2 programs, 54 minutes each (can be aired back to back or on subsequent days)
    • 5 programs, 25 minutes each (24 in Spanish)
  • Branding – stand alone music unique to the Heaven audio
  • Lead Ins and Lead Outs – conversation with author Colin Smith
  • Breaks – built into the program see attached detail tech sheet for info


The programs in both the 2 hour and 5 day (25 minutes each) formats are available for listening or download on this page.


Unlocking the Bible hopes to air the Heaven special either over Palm Sunday or Easter weekends (April 4-5 or April 11-12).  It can be broadcast during other slots, but weekends seem to allow for more flexibility.    If alternate dates later work better for station needs, the programs can be aired at any time.


Unlocking the Bible will make the following tools, materials, and resources available to stations:

  • An extended interview with Colin Smith for airing at an appropriate time to help promote the broadcast.
  • Dramatic 30- and 60-second promotional spots with open ends to allow stations to overlay local broadcast day and time information.
  • Six 60 second programs of “Today’s Key” (Unlocking’s one minute daily) designed to reinforce the message of the longer version of the program.
  • Graphic assets for website posting to promote the broadcast.