Outside Insights
Establishing a Year Long Communication Plan for Your Nonprofit
March is almost gone. Let me grab your attention… Your calendar year end appeal will start in just eight months. I know, you’re probably thinking, why should I start thinking about my year end appeal now? Let me try to answer the question. Between now and December 1, which is probably the absolute latest you…
Heaven, How I Got Here
Heaven, How I Got Here. A must-see film this week…for free! The thief on the cross next to Jesus got to heaven for just one reason. He asked Jesus to “remember him”. He acknowledged, just hours from death, that he wanted to be saved, and Jesus saved him. Jesus responded to his request: “Today you…
It’s All About…”Making a Case Your Donors Will Love”
If you’re in fundraising and you haven’t read this book, you should. Jerold Panas writes in a practical, accessible style. I can’t even remember how I first got connected with this title, but I’ve appreciated the insights I’ve gleaned. Published by Emerson and Church, the book may strike you as a little pricey–$29.00 in print…
It’s January! Part 2 – Your Annual Fundraising Check Up
My last post dealt with a simple review of data regarding fundraising improvement (or, ahem, lack thereof) for last year. Today we turn our evaluation to the softer side. It's both easier and harder. I want you to take a look at your fundraising activities over the last year. What did you actually do to raise money… -
It’s January! Time for Your Annual Fundraising Check Up
A key aspect of effective fundraising is evaluation. January is the time to look back and decide what you did right and what you did wrong over the last year. I believe effective evaluation utilizes both soft and hard information and data points. I’m going to address evaluation in two posts. This one focuses on… -
God Centered Life Video
The Next Level team, especially Rob Newton one of our audio and video editing wizards took simple raw footage from client Josh Moody and created a grabber of a piece. Designed to be used in social media and a sort of “welcome to the ministry” on the website, the 60 second tool will, hopefully engage…
EHA Year End Booklet
The Next Level crew produced an excellent 2023 year end booklet highlight some of the key aspects of the work done by the Emmanuel Hospital Association. NLI has served EHA in a wide variety of capacities for many years. The booklet was used in conjunction with two versions of a donor letter, one to current…
RCE School Partnership Overview
The NLI team collaborated to create the following video presentation designed to highlight services provided for international Christian schools and educational ministries. RCE International is a leading-edge provider of personnel recruitment, human resources management, donation receipting and much more, for over 100 schools in over 70 countries. The production below (take 2 minutes and watch…
Getting the Word Out – New Camp Brochure
Our NLI team collaborated with the leadership of a great camp in upstate New York called The Boys JIM Club of America. The “JIM” in their names stands for “Jesus Is Mine” and says a lot about who they are and what they do. They were founded in the 1950s by a traveling evangelist named Jimmie…
God Centered Life Executes Expansion Mailing
This expanding media ministry of Dr. Josh Moody wanted to update the congregation of College Church where Josh serves as senior pastor. The mailing included a letter, response device, and an 8 page booklet that provided an overview of the scope, reach, and impact of the organization. The piece served as a further reminder to…